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elcome to 'Dream At Home'. On this page you will find all of the home learning resources you'll need to explore Shakespeare's magical comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream.

There are five parts to the learning journey. Each part has a video for you to watch and a downloadable sheet with five creative tasks for you to do. Each task will tell you if you need any other things to help you (pens, scissors etc). You can work your way through them all, or if your teacher has asked you to, click the links to go straight to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 or Part 5. You can also watch a short version of the story via 'Shakespeare In Shorts from BBC Teach' or the highly acclaimed 'Shakespeare: The Animated Tales' version of the story. If you want to try speaking some of Shakespeare's words then you can try Puck's famous final speech.

If you'd like to share your work with us, we'd love to see it. You can tweet us a picture (we're @nwdrama on Twitter) or  you can email us -


if you're ready to get started...

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The first part of our learning journey takes us back in time to ancient Athens, where the preparations for the Duke's wedding are about to be interrupted... 

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Download Part 1 Home Learning Tasks as a PDF

(right click and select 'Save Target As' to save it to your computer)

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Download Part 2 Home Learning Tasks as a PDF

(right click and select 'Save Target As' to save it to your computer)

Now we're deep within the magical forest, the second part of our home learning journey introduces us to Puck, the shape-shifting servant of Oberon, king of the fairies.

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The third part of our home learning journey tells us about how King Oberon and Queen Titania are having an argument which is changing the very weather itself! 

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Download Part 3 Home Learning Tasks as a PDF

(right click and select 'Save Target As' to save it to your computer)

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Download Part 4 Home Learning Tasks as a PDF

(right click and select 'Save Target As' to save it to your computer)

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In the fourth part of our home learning journey we find out more about the four young people who venture deep into the forest in the pursuit of love! Meet Hermia, Lysander, Helena and Demetrius -  'The Lovers'...

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Download Part 5 Home Learning Tasks as a PDF

(right click and select 'Save Target As' to save it to your computer)

The fifth and final part of our home learning journey tells us more about 'The Mechanicals,' a group of villagers who are rehearsing a very special play in their spare time. But when they rehearse by moonlight in the magical forest they get much more than they bargained for!

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This is a really clever, short musical retelling of the story, giving the story a modern twist! (via BBC Teach)

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This is a beautifully told, much more in depth version o​f the story from the BBC's 'Shakespeare: The Animated Tales'

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Listen to and speak some of Puck's final speech. Click the play button on the right to hear it, and see if you can speak along with it!

If we shadows have offended.

Think but this and all is mended.

That you have but slumbered here

Whilst these visions did appear.

And this weak and idle theme

No more yielding but a dream...

Gentles do not reprehend.

If you pardon we will mend.

Else the Puck a liar call.

So goodnight unto you all.

Give us your hands if we be friends

And Robin shall restore amends.

Magic Hand
Blue Flower

Please note that external links were checked for suitability for a young audience at the time of publishing, but as these are external links we cannot be held responsible for any changes to content. If you experience any difficulties accessing the content or would like to report a problem please email 


Content created by:

Matt Wardle | Creative Producer   Sue Harding, Peter Kennedy, Joe England | Creative Associates

for North West Drama

Films created by:

Tom Doona |                                


The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve.

...'Tis almost fairy time...

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Part 1 DOH
Part 2 DOH
Part 3 DOH
Part 4 DOH
Part 5 DOH
Shakespeare In Shorts
Animated Tales
Speak some Shakespeare
Blue Sparkles
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